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Repositório de Dados da Universidade do Minho
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Tab-Delimited - 4.1 KB - MD5: 466c1e6e31500f184832468fa7e723a6
Dataset description
Plain Text - 3.1 KB - MD5: c44147105b35fb957a426b4f33ca7c98
Nota metodológica da coleta manuais escolares de Moçambique.
Plain Text - 2.3 KB - MD5: 121f0f045023efc153b4aeee04339dff
Plain Text - 6.5 KB - MD5: 6c2895ec2dcbd93454ed361cdd0d790a
Plain Text - 1.5 KB - MD5: 051ab4fd012c5407e72f11839c703c79
3D Reconstruction of Rock 03 - Vale de José Esteves
MS Word - 13.9 KB - MD5: ce684ad6fa6bd113ed46e8c7ae0a25f8
MS Word - 13.9 KB - MD5: fb02ecfb5f5d0678146dbcc867fe690c
MS Word - 13.9 KB - MD5: c53d808d809e4f4a12f2c218112e5fdd
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