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Repositório de Dados da Universidade do Minho
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1 to 10 of 1,809 Results
Plain Text - 3.4 KB - MD5: 5132deeb69d9c3c59ee8b7a48d5ae44e
Tab-Delimited - 2.8 KB - MD5: c9a83a31abd04782ec338462f887ffaa
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 211.3 KB - MD5: 386a4f0276a11ce0a84815b9e702f03b
Tab-Delimited - 3.1 KB - MD5: 70a75e40d75edb713770113ffdd20b8d
Tab-Delimited - 1.2 MB - MD5: 579755ced9937efa08bd1f4b60e82f3d
Unknown - 9.3 MB - MD5: 2b06f1683478c42335541381bd6994b3
Unknown - 1.5 MB - MD5: e339455ee221f22e3540b8a1a4d302e8
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