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Feb 20, 2024 - Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental
Franco-Duarte, Ricardo; Fernandes, Ticiana; Sousa, Maria João; Sampaio, Paula; Rito, Teresa; Soares, Pedro, 2024, "Phylogenomics and functional annotation of 530 non-Saccharomyces yeasts from winemaking environments reveals their Fermentome and Flavorome",, Repositório de Dados da Universidade do Minho, V2
Dataset to support manuscript with the same title. The submitted documents were obtained with the following procedures: For the genomes downloaded from SRA database (raw data; without assembled version available), assembly was performed using SPAdes Genome Assembler software v.3....
Mar 3, 2023 - Lab Física Computacional
Marques, Luis, 2023, "Machine Learning Texture Optimization",, Repositório de Dados da Universidade do Minho, V1, UNF:6:PYIYvLMs2mywboc9nuNvdw== [fileUNF]
This data set contains the data used for training, validation and test the deep neural network used for solving a texture optimization problem for the lubricated contacts between surfaces.
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