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Jun 25, 2024
Lima Araújo, Cristina; Simões de Carvalho, Graça; Moreira, Ana, 2023, "Postural Education Programmes with School Children: A Scoping Review", https://doi.org/10.34622/datarepositorium/KSPP04, Repositório de Dados da Universidade do Minho, V2, UNF:6:HkK0Wihwi6ZJ/oknYed2yQ== [fileUNF]
Spinal deformities and back pain have been a growing problem in childhood and adolescence due to several unhealthy habits. The present study undertakes a scoping review to identify scientific studies with school children focusing on methodologies used, identifying the implementat... |
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The data-charting form was developed to determine which variables to extract.
This tool collected relevant information about the postural education programmes
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Characterisation of the eligible papers and synthesis of the search outcomes |