This dataset holds information about open data availability and openness in four Portuguese municipalities: Barcelos, Braga, Guimarães e Vila Nova de Famalicão in 2014 and 2014. The first row is the header, which has the city name and collection year, followed by the dataset name [Real-time Transport, Annual Budget, Expenses, Election Results, Air Quality, Transport Schedules, Public Facilities, Crime Statistics, Municipal Contracts, Food Safety and Hygiene, Traffic Accidents, Building Permits, Service Requests, Business Licenses, Real-time Transport, Annual Budget]. Each row represents an attribute of the dataset [Do data exist?, In digital format, Publicly available, Free of charge, Available online, Machine-readable, Raw, With an open license, Regularly updated]. Each column contains one value [YES, NO, UNKNOWN] indicating the data attribute. Researchers collected the data on the municipal council websites. A value is UNKNOWN when the researcher was unable to find the data. 2014 data were collected between November 19 and 26. 2024 data were collected in May. This dataset contains nine rows (attributes) and 16 columns (open datasets). Each city has two datasheets, one for data collected in 2014 and another for 2024. For example, the dataset Giumarães_2014 contains the data collected on the council website in 2014. (2024-08-04)